
Be honest, will this make you smile?

by Guest67128  |  earlier

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Joe rents an apartment in New York, and goes to the lobby to put his name on the group mailbox. While he was there, an attractive young lady comes out of the apartment next to the mailboxes wearing a robe.

Joe smiles at the young girl and she strikes up a conversation with him. As they talk, her robe slips open, and it's quite obvious that she has nothing under the robe.

Poor Joe breaks out into a sweat trying to maintain eye contact. After a few minutes, she places her hand on his arm and says, "Let's go in my apartment, I hear someone coming..."

He proceeds with her into the apartment, and after she closes the door, she leans against it allowing her robe to fall off completely.

Being completely nude, she purrs at him, "What would you say is my best feature?" The flustered, embarrassed Joe stammers, clears his throat several times, and finally squeaks out, "Oh, it's got to be your ears!"

She's astounded! "Why my ears? Look at these b*****s! They're full, don't sag, and they're 100% natural! My buns - they're firm and don't sag, and have no cellulite! Look at this skin, no blemishes or scars! Why in heaven's name would you say my ears are the best part of my body?!"

Clearing his throat once again, Joe stammers - "Outside when you said you heard someone coming? That was me."




  1. haha took me a while but i got it!!

    ahaha good one

  2. what a hoot!

  3. i dont get it

  4. haha that was brilliant x*x

  5. OMG. Definitely deserves the Oscar for the best Joke of the Week. But I see your halo is starting to slip again. Pity you have been such a good Saint recently.  

  6. I think you just created another fantasy for me.  

  7. haha


    dat made me smile


  8. omg sick lol. funny, very funny.

    really bad pick up line at a bar: how do you like your eggs in the mourning, scrambled or fertilized?

  9. LMPAO!! That's funny, it wasn't predictable. Good one.

  10. Funny!!  

  11. lol i think i get it  

  12. OMG that was hilarious xD hahaha nice

  13. nice

  14. Ahahahahaha. Oh wow. You always have those... ummm... quite "forward" jokes but they make me laugh! xD And yes it did make me smile, too. xD I was like ummm... whaa- and then I got it, I was like xD

  15. Nice one

  16. i'm a blonde lolz took me a while to get it haha

  17. haha. thts funny! :D


  18. that was a good one :)

    would never have guessed that was the punchline :)

  19. Hahah, oh god, that was hilarious. XD Thanks for the much needed laugh.

  20. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha... i will never ge over this hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha..... the perfect joke

  21. funny god...where did you get this from?

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