
Be honest: If you were Paul Pierce.....?

by Guest45432  |  earlier

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Would you really sit in an interview and say that Kobe is better than you? Do these haters on Y/A not realize how bad that would've made Pierce look? I'm not saying Pierce is the best in the world or better than Kobe, but he gave the right answer. I would've said the same thing.




  1. I'd probably give some kind of politically correct, non-definitive BS answer. Example 1A:

    "Kobe is a great player. But there's a lot of great players in the NBA. It's hard to say."

  2. He isn't even Best player on his team ... KG is the leader and Best player of Celtics ..

  3. Pierce's Celtics just beat the favorites in the Finals and Pierce just got Finals MVP. You can't really blame him for saying that, I mean Kobe never got that achievement. He fells like he's on top of the world but he has to get back to reality and go for another championship. I would have said that if I beat a team that was so heavily favored.

  4. I dont agree.

    there were sooo much more better responses than saying, "I'm the best".

    Cuz truth is it just made him look arrogant and stupid, why cuz he is not even the best player on his team, so how is he the best in the NBA??

    It would have made him look good by saying another player was the best, alot of player have said that and it made them look good

    He should have thought about it before talking, cuz what he sai was really arrogant

  5. ya that was a tough question to answer... but he shoulda said his teammate kevin garnett is the best.. CUZ ITS TRUE

  6. Well Pierce is cool and can say what he wants, he did have a right to say that. I lot of players actually, that a humble, say that others (that may or may not be) are better then them: Amare said it about Kobe, Lebron said it about Kobe, Kobe said it about MJ, Dwight about Shaq, so its not uncommon and they don't look silly they just look humble and not arrogant but you know they are all thinking they are better. Paul just said what all of them were thinking I guess so I give him props for that.

  7. Yes I agree.  If a player doesn't think he is the best, he shouldn't even be playing.  They must have confidence.  Beside I think he earn the right to Bragg.  

    At this level, mental toughness is just as important as physical.  It's good that every player believe they are the best.  Look at Gasol.  In his mind, he think that he cannot play against KG and just back-off every time KG took it to him.  He Gasol said "I'm the toughest guy in here", he might have a chance.

  8. Well the question was "Do you think kobe is the best player in nba?", and i guess it would be fine if he said no, but he shouldn't have said "I'm the best" and after that he even calls kobe "conceited". I think he took this question too personally, and came up with a cocky answer. hes being a hypocrite because hes the one whos conceited.

  9. Paul Pierce can say what he wants to say of course he's going to say he's the best in the NBA. He just won the championship and he made the supposed best player in the league Kobe Bryant look bad. Keep in mind to get through the playoffs Pierce guarded the best players in Joe Johnson, Lebron James, and Kobe Bryant. Sorry, but Pierce has every right to say he's the best in the NBA right now.

  10. Lebron said it, pierce is an agrroant prick who in his whole career has made the finals twice and won one championship and that was with the help of 2 other all-stars any moron knows how horrifically he did by himself, at least kobe by himself managed to get his team to the playoffs.

  11. I think that was stupid to say for several reasons.

    1- It's wrong, there's at least 5 players better than him.

    2- Now he's got Kobe angry, next time they play (and especially if they meet in the finals) Kobe's gonna do his best to drop 40 and dunk in Pierce's face.

    3- His teammates probably don't appreciate him saying they're better than him. This might cause problems within the group

    4- There's no reason for it. It wouldn't have made him look bad. Lebron, for example, said Kobe is better than him and he's a much better player than Pierce.

  12. then your as ignorant as he is.

  13. Ok 1st of all, its alright if that he didn't think Kobe was the best player in the league(even though most would say Kobe)

    BUT at the same time HE DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY THAT HE WAS THE BEST. Im sorry but Paul Pierce isn't even top 5.

    BTW most players EVEN Lebron said Kobe's the best when asked in an interview him saying "no, its me" makes people think otherwise.

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