
Be honest ~ do you ever?

by  |  earlier

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snoop around in other users profiles??




  1. NO............NEVER................

  2. lol Yes, indeed I do!

  3. yes, of course i snooped in some of the users profiles!

  4. sometimes.....if i like their answer i check their profiles to see if i could read some more of their answers!

  5. Yes... I'm a known stalker :D

    Not my fault though, cats enjoy stalking :P

  6. Yes, I do check their views about anything I think is important to know from my contacts that are with good amount of knowledge!

  7. yeah of course i do

    i just *snooped* in urs

  8. No I am far too self-obsessed!

  9. Yes. What's wrong with it? That's why the profile is there, isn't it?


    Your sister,

    Jee Jee


  10. Yes, i always try to snoop in Sina's account.lolz~!  

  11. if i be honest & say yes.. can i have a lollipop?? =P

  12. oh my God, Thats not Me, Thats a clone above,.,~!

  13. Maybe .  

  14. Why is this under ramadam?

  15. Yes,you would check their profile if you don't believe them in something.

  16. yes sometimes

  17. Sometimes!!!

  18. Sometimes :]

  19. sometimes...

  20. I only look at others profiles if they send me a request to be a contact.  I want to know why they want to be a contact of mine, so I'll check to see if I answered a question they also just answered or if I answered one of their questions.  I do this because I've had people ask to be a contact so they can stalk me.

  21. no, but sum one has been on mine!it not a bad thing they answer questions but how they get on my profile?

  22. Rarely.  Not with too many users.

  23. NO, i only do of those who add me to his/her contact list

  24. NO



    I do not go to my own profile.

  25. ermm........................YES lol  

  26. Where did you get the photo of the peacock?

  27. I think just about everyone looks at profiles.

  28. YES!!

    i have 3 friends in here!!! i always check their answers and questions!

  29. only when people add me as a contact, if i dont know them then wana see who they are and stuff

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