
Be honest what chores did you have to do that you said you would never ask your kids to do but do?

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i had my kids helping to pick grass up today i swore i would never do that thry loved it though i used to hate it




  1. Change a dirty diaper.  I am the third of 11 children.  We all helped with the younger children so I had changed plenty of diapers by the time I became a mom.

    My boys are 6 years apart and I promised my older son I would never ask him to change or dispose of a dirty (poopie) diaper.

  2. when i was little i was made to wash up. and i swore id never let my kids have to do it, i was just so bummed and thought that id be some super cool mum. lol they take in turns to wash up now :P  i cant really believe it. this question made me think.

  3. Your kids like picking up grass? Send them over...I can't stand it!

    I promise that I will never make my kid scrub out the septic tank. It burst when I was 15 and my mom was gone for a week, and my dad made me clean it out while he sat on the couch drinking beer (he was too cheap to hire someone). It was HORRIBLE!

  4. Well if they like it let them do what they want.

  5. None.

    It was the opposite case with my boys.When I was growing up I had to help with the washing and ironing yet my brothers never had to do such - except they had to iron their own scout uniforms under the supervision of my *Father*!

    I brought up four boys on my own and they ironed and helped launder their own clothes from the age of ten and they could cook a full meal from the age of twelve.

    If I had had a daughter it would have been the same - *all* of the children would have helped out in *all* of the household tasks not some because washing,ironing,cooking and so on was "girl's work" whereas the boys just cleaned the windows and so on.

    My boys thank me for teaching them how to iron,cook and so on today and their wives,girlfriends are grateful too!

    They knew how to clean out the oven and the bathroom too because I couldn't stand that job as a girl so it was one of their chores in turn because I had other things to do while they were doing that - like mending their clothes and so on.

  6. i always said i would never expect my kids to do something that i was not willing to do myself and ive stuck to what i said.

  7. i was lucky, i didnt have to do chores, so i dont really ask a lot from my children. as long as they keep rooms tidy, put dirty plates in kitchen etc then im happy. but what i did swear not to do is l**k  a tissue and wipe their face. my mum did it to me and it was gross. i swore i would NEVER do it to mine but guess what, i did. it still grosses me out now, ive only done it a few times. ewwwww

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