
Be insaine?

by  |  earlier

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Ok ok so im acting in a play in which i have to kill someone the reason why i do this is that she steals my part on the childrens tv show we work on she also starts making passes at my man and he likes her back my character beleives she isa far surperior actor to anyone else even though shes pretty **** at it. I kill the girl by poisioning her tea.

any tips how on how to play this role?

i also have a short monolouge that contains my first rantings of plans to kill. aparantly i act to melodramatic in it....any tips on that?

thanks alot guys




  1. :D

  2. With no real offense meant, is this your FIRST role?

       Beyond that, is there a DIRECTOR, or is no one in charge, with a vision of how ALL the character portrayals should flow?

       Finally,,, in your last thought, as should be directed anyway, have you been directed in a sense that this may be YOU alone, and talking to yourself, formulating a plan?

  3. hoy tu día debe ser diferente, recuro a este espacio para decirte que eres grandioso, unico y genial. Que estas vivo en alma y en cuerpo y que tienes mucho tiempo por delante, cada instante debe ser para ti una oportunidad para triunfar y seguir siendo exitoso.

    Disculpa si este mensaje no es agradable para ti, pero no pretendo que te ofendas solo quice pasar a saludarte y ofrecerte estas palabras positivas para ti, nada fuera del otro mundo, pero si con la ilusión que realmente leas hasta el final cada cosa que te digo

  4. haha thats awsome

    thats a wicked play.



    thats funny


    well do you end up regretting u killed her?
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