
Be totally honest please. i need opinions?

by  |  earlier

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would i look good with this hair color??

>>this is me:

this is the color i want:




  1. No, no, no!!! You are gorgeous the way you are and blonde women such as myself would love to have your coloring. Don't blonde yourself up, it will take away from your pretty face.

  2. I like the color you want it makes you look younger. Go for it girl!

  3. yes but i like the color you have now

  4. Okay, I'm going to be totally honest with you. I think you have really great skin! You're naturally like Pocahontas lol. You're so exotic looking now! I would work with the hair you have. I think it looks really good! I know you're not trying to fool anyone into thinking the new hair would be natural- but you're lucky to look so good now. I wouldn't do it. It wouldn't look bad it just wouldn't look as exotic. So many people have highlights- you look great with naturally dark hair! Like- Catherine Zeta Jones or Pocahontas- you're a natural beauty. :) The highlights would just take away from that.  

  5. Stick with the color you have now.  It looks great and matches your skin color well.

  6. going from black to dirty blonde is going to be a challenge. you're a pretty girl but i don't think the hair colour would look good. it's too far from your natural hair colour to look... natural.

  7. ssssssssure .

  8. yeah, but i like it right now.

  9. yea your skin is a creamy color you need to blend in 3 tones i would say dark browm light brown and caramel on the bottom to blend in well with your skin

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