
Be yourself?

by  |  earlier

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Please rate my first blog as 10 being very intersting and logical.

Please help because I want to improve my writing in my vacation.

When I sat behind my computer to write my first blog, my mind was null. The empty page was starring at me distitutely.

I have been a consistent student of science since the first year of my education. So it was very likely for me to write any scientific article, but in that case my science books would talk through me. Hence it wouldn't be the real me writing this blog but an abstarct science student who has developed within me by recording scientific knowledge for almost past decade. Consequently I decided to be "myself" and put some of my very own words in this blog. That is what that made the title of this article "Be yourself". ..............(continued in details)




  1. what?? Suree

  2. i guesss

  3. You asked for us to tell you if we agree and what we thought of what you wrote, which I will do. Do I agree with it? yes and no. It is not my philosophy of life, but if it is yours then that is all that should matter. I do believe I am a unique person, but I do not believe I am the “most” unique person. That would be a paradox because we are all unique. The aspect that you feel no one else carries in this world is your individuality. It is true that we all feel different from other, because we all “are” different from others. We each have our own genetics, personality, environment, etc. The distinctive qualities can seem mysterious because what is familiar to one is not familiar to another. I don’t believe our good character is what sets us apart. I think the totaility of who we are is what makes us different. I actually think it is very important to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. You don’t lose who you are—you gain who you are through how you perceive, input and construct your ideals, thoughts, and opinions by seeing others perspective (and this in return is also what makes you unique). I am Agnostic so I would not say “our own God gifted faces”. The mask interpretation at the end of the paragraph does not flow with the rest of the paragraph because you have not brought up prior about concealing our distinctive traits.

  4. You are right in your premise, we are all unique in our own way, not better or worse, just different. We should never try to be like someone else. Your grammar could be better but the thought is good.

  5. I'll give you a '7'.

    I am not sure what distutely means and you can work on your spelling during your vacation.

    You are yourself.

  6. If you could tape your conversations would they sound like what you wrote?  

    Sometime the truth hurts.  Other times those that recognize them (truths) use them for greater gains.

    Here is one truth.  A blog is a tool for communicating and if no one is interested then you have no audience and therefore, no communication.  

    To improve your writing style study a little copy-writing.  After all, isn't a blog all just copy-writing?

    Here is an example:

    Do you like jam?

    I like jam?

    Making Jam?

    Compare to:

    Want to jam?

    Jam on it!

    Jammed my finger.  Ouch!

    Its not what you say but how you say it that others will find interesting.  If you're writing for just yourself this doesn't matter but we know you are not or you wouldn't have asked for the review.

    Good luck.  Never stop writing.  Just remember your audience and above all, be yourself.
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