
BeTtA PrObLeMs?!!??!?

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I recentley just got a Betta Fish from petsmart that is like all white and has red fins. He doesnt have a very good appetite at all and its starting to worry me... Ive noticed that he is very still but once he sees someone come near, he will go crazy and swim at like 200 miles an hour all around his little tank. I wanted to know if there was something wrong with him and if there is what is wrong and what can i do???




  1. Beta fish is from Vietnam and they can live in very little water make sure the water is clean because they breath on top of the water, one food i know they like is blood worms which you can buy at your local petsmart. Also you might want to try to use a stress solution for your fish also  good luck

  2. maybe he's just adjusting to the new environment and needs to get use to you but if continues for more then a week or 2 go to the pet store and ask about plus you might want to get him a fren so he dont. Be so lonely lolz but I'm pretty sure he's fine he just need to adapt to the environment

  3. mine did this before i got a heater

    maby he is cold

    bettas need heaters
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