
Beach resort - awesome hotels - in mexico - driving distance from california?

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All. Am looking for info about beach resorts or awesome hotels in baja california mexico. Want to take GF. Should be pretty classy - preferably on beach - preferably near town where we can go for excitement at night. Advice appreciated. P




  1. Try Puerto Peñasco is like 300 miles away, in Sonora Ensenada also or if you like to go further try Loreto in Baja but its a quite town not very much to do at night.

  2. Please ,please DONT!  Even the touristy parts of Mexico have become sooo dangerous.  Google it and check out how horrible its become.  Take her to Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego. Its AMAZING...    We're a surfing family and used to spend time in Mexico, trust me. NOT WORTH IT ANYMORE.

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