
Bearded Dragon Arm Waving?

by  |  earlier

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I got a baby bearded dragon not too long ago. I was sitting on my bed and it starred at me and started waving its arm in circles. I know it means something about submission but i thought they only did that to other bearded dragons. It did this right after I gave it crickets so does that mean it like accepts me or something?




  1. When I had beardies, I could occasionally get them to do it if I waved my hand first in a circular motion. Also, I could trick them sometimes by putting a mirror in front of them and they would do it. I'm not 100% sure of the reason. I read once that it was kind of a greeting or acknowledging that it was aware of another beardie's presence. It's definitely entertaining.

  2. YES


    it cute when they do that

    i love it

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