
Bearded Dragon - nearly drowned - what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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My BD just was pulled out of the pool - could have been in there up to maybe 15 minutes, probably less than 5 minutes.

I turned him upside down, pried his mouth open, and water came out. I gave him mouth to mouth and squeezed him and air came out.

He's breathing now, but not too responsive, his color is all messed up (beard is black, back is pale) breathing not appearing strong.

Any suggestions? I'm calling the vet next, but I would like to hear if anyone has any suggestions on how we might get the rest of the water out of his lungs, which is what I think is the problem. I tried putting him on an incline, but nothing else came out.

I don't need to hear about how it was negligent for him to have gotten into the pool. We feel bad enough about it already.




  1. First off, if you do, dont blame yourself! i'v had pet accidents like that before and i know how guilty you can feel afterwards. you dont want to do anything to forcful to get the water out, so your best bet is the vet! take him there, but in the meantime keep him very warm!

  2. Call the pet right away, I am not sure what else to do cause it's never happened to me. The vet is your best bet. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Hope he gets well.

  3. He may be totally stressed out and even though you may have gotten the water out of his lungs the chemicals in the pool probably had some effect...I suggest just letting him relax he obviously just went thru some trama. call your vet and see what he say s but i think he will be ok....listen to his breathing...does it sound bubbly or are their bubbles coming out of the nose? Beardies naturally know how to swim but he may have gotten weak.

  4. your beardie is probably horrified and probably stressed that could be why his colours are changing, cause beardies can slightly change their colours from white-ish beige-ish to nearrly black ( u may have noticed this at night)

    All I can say is bring him/her to the vet just to be safe,

    Best of luck =D

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