
Bearded dragon,NEED HELP QUICK!?

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ok the other day i asked a question about my young female bearded dragon.when i first bought her she was fine and i held her alot until one day i stuck my hand in the cage and she tried to bite happend all at its been going on for about 3 months.its getting worse.i was even saying that if you emailed me and told me how to ship and you paid shipping i would sell to you for 20.00 if you help her.and people are telling me that im pathetic and to hold her every day.well a few days ago i did try to touch her with a thick glove.she was viciously biting me and pulling her head around like a dog.ive never heard anything like it with a reptile.if anyone has any GOOD info that is going to help me and not insult me it would be appreciated.because the older and bigger she gets the more scared im getting cuz a full grown bearded dragon will hurt extremely bad.thank you.




  1. never heard bearded dragons could be that nasty and mean i guess you found the Devil lol

  2. The advise about holding her as much as possible is true. The more you hold her the more used to being held she will be. My baby girl has only bit me once and its because I picked her up when she was out of her tank and I dont think she wanted to go back in.

    Make sure that she has all the food that she needs (veggies, fruits, insects and pellets).

    Just pick her up with the gloves and let her bite and just try and calm her. Also you might want to make sure that there isnt anything wrong with her that would cause her to be in pain when touched.

    When my Iguana bit me for the first time it hurt so bad that I didnt want to hold him for a while. A 4 foot long lizard can be scarry at times. You really just have to get over the pain and not be mad at them. I swear they can tell if you are scared so try not to be scared and show her that you are in charge.

    Good Luck

  3. You've just got to keep working with her. Is she in a proper size enclosure with proper lighting? Is she on a regular diet? You need to make sure she's happy in her home. If she's still young she may be growing out of the tank she's in now. Work with her every day. Put your hand in her tank so she can sense your presence. Bring her out and hold her. If you hold her against your chest she shouldn't have anything to bite at. And if you're feeling tense she can sense that. So stay calm and so will she. You can't just snap your fingers and she'll be your best friend. It takes time and effort, and maybe even a bite or two. Any pet owner will tell you you've just got to expect to be bitten or hurt at some point when raising any animal. It's something that comes with owning a pet.

    If after a few months she doesn't seem to warm up to you you may just have to accept the fact that she's an aggressive animal. In this case, just keep caring for her. I'm not trying to be mean or say anything bad, but it's wrong to only care for a pet if they're nice to you. When you brought her home you took on a lifetime responsibility of properly caring for her. You can't just back out because she doesn't act as you want, she's an animal. Did your parents stop caring for you because you cried, or said you hated them, or cost too much money? A bearded dragon does not need to be handled. So if it turns out she's grumpy then just leave her alone. But still be sure she has everything she could want and need. Hope I could help!

  4. Working in a pet store, I can tell you some bearded dragons are just plain nasty. Although I strongly believe almost any pet can be tamed eventually, reptiles tend to have very different personalities than birds and small pets such as hamsters. Unfortunately, some of the best advice I can give people with most issues like this, is if you can, take the bite. Although they are animals, they are still smart and learn. If they bite, or snap at you, and you pull your hand away, they got what they want. They will quickly learn that if they don't want you around, all they have to do is snap at you. One of the tricky things with using a glove, is they are strongly driven by smell and taste, so they will know the difference between a gloved hand and a bare hand. The best advice I can give you is be patient if you really want to take the time to work with and tame the beardie, knowing that in the end, it still may turn out to be a "looking only" pet. Or try to adopt him out to someone that has a lot of experience with aggressive reptiles. Hope this helps!

  5. Sorry to sound like a broken record but what people have said is right u need to tame her slowly there's no miracle cure. just gentle handling every day. also see if u can find a local expert (check the phone book dont just ask on here)

    thick gloves are a good idea.

    also do u have the right size enclosure heating feeding habits UV all these can affect how a beardie acts.

    at the end of the day if u really dont think u can handle her ........ "feisty" temperament look for a local exotics rescue.

    here's some websites that might have people on who can help u

  6. I have also worked in a pet store for quite some time and have never ever come across a "nasty" dragon!

    Is there any way he or she could have gotten a broken bone or anything? Because just like a tame dog..they will lash out and snap if they are in pain/

    If theres no way she got hurt and you think its just plain attitude...keep the gloves on.... flatten her body so she cant thrash around and hurt herself but dont squish her....and pick her up....she may thrash around a little bit but if you hold her against you pressed to your chest she will calm down

    once she calms down try hand feeding....first with gloves...then when you feel comfortable enough handling her take the gloves off...its better if you dont use gloves at all, they will get used to your smell and your touch....but i know you dont wanna get bit!

    And im sure youve heard it a thousand times but the way to tame is by handling so.....just pick her up! or him whatever!

  7. she might be hungry. or, i dont know if U where nail polish, but one time a wore a darkcolored nail polish, and she licked my nails.

  8. what you need to know is that it is very serious and that most bearded  dragons will start good but after a while they will attack.  make sure there are no cuts or anything that can disrupt a pet because bearded dragon scales  can sometimes catch things deep inside like burrs.  you have to check it at least every other day but be very carefull and wear two garden gloves on each hand because they bite hard.

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