
Bearded dragon's any idea's?

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there is a bearded dragon that hangs around my place its only small and today i seen that it has fishing line stuck around its head (neck) ive been trying to catch it so i can take it off but as u no they arnt easy to catch any idea's?




  1. You dealing/handling with the animal will not cause it's death. Bearded dragons are known for there interaction with people. If you get close enough I agree that you should try to toss something over it like a towel and try to grasp it. It sounds ike someone was trying to catch it with a fishing pole, another common way. If you do get it, unless it's not wrapped tightly or knotted in to the skin, gently cut the line and return it to the wild. If you catch it and see that the line is embedded or twisted, try to get it to a vet for removal of the line. I would still release it after wards. Good luck.

  2. Call WIRES, the RSPCA deals mostly with domestic animals and don't usually do call outs. Their number is 1300094737 (13000WIRES).

    You may be able to catch it by throwing a cloth over it. Don't chase it around and stress it out, place a towel or blanket over the animal, then gently place in a box. DON'T try to take the wire off yourself, you could injure it without realising.  Put the box in a warm, quiet, dark room and DO NOT DISTURB. The stress associated with human contact can result in death.

  3. beardies are usally friendly i suggest tryin to put out a bowl of carrots sqash and you can try to get it to eat those be carefull the veggies you put out though because beardies cannot eat most foods. once you are able to catch it keep it in a warm place about 90 derees or so and continue to feed it veggies you might want to go to the pet store and grab some crickets too.

    remember to spray it down with water

    once it is accostom to you try to get it off its neck be carefull though it may have injured him in some wayfishing lines are sharp and could have cut him  if that is the case bring him to an animal hospital asap

  4. call the RSPCA

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