
Bearded dragon for a 3 yr old?

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thinking about getting a bearded dragon for our 3 yr old... comments? Do they bite? if our son is monitered while playing with him is it still a bad idea???? Dont have a lot of knowledge about the reptile.




  1. It depends if you have the will to teach your child respect and proper handling manners when it comes to the dragon (or any animal for that matter).

    He can be taught how to approach and handle and also be comfortable around the dragon with you modeling how to for him. The dragon holds no bias against age, just energy and calm warm hands. If you can closely monitor the play time there should be no problem. Just make sure he doesn't squeeze, poke, or pull the dragon's tail.

  2. In my opinion, a reptile of ANY kind is a very bad idea for a child that young.  He needs a puppy, and to be supervised with it at all times.

    Reptiles do bite.  ANY animal can, but some carry salmonella, and most have claws which can damage young skin easily, etc. etc.  I could do three hundred reasons I think this is a bad idea (I'm a mother, and a reptile hobbyist).

    He's too young, by about 13 yr.!  Reptiles are not a "toss in the tank and look at," care free animal.  They have very specific feeding and heating needs, depending on the species.

    As with ANY new pet; I recommend you first google the animal, and educate yourself on it thoroughly, from a hatchling right up through adulthood, so you are aware of its changing needs as it ages.

    Some lizards, such as Leopard geckos can live for 20 yr. and longer (present record holder is 27 yr. I do believe).  Typical lifespan for a beardie is 10 yr.  It's a BIG obligation and responsibility.

    I'll post a few sites on beardies below for you to puruse at your convenience.  You might want to consider a beardie as pet for YOU, but keep the tank out of reach of your son, at least until he's quite a bit older than he presently is.

    With these sites, I have one disclaimer: Please do not keep your lizard(s) of any age on play/repti sand or loose substrate.  Impaction and bacteria issues are real and serious – and can result in death.  Consult your reptile veterinarian for their opinion.

    Research the animal before you get it, and any information dilemmas can be resolved by your vet.

    An informed owner is a happy owner, and ends up with a healthy and content animal.

    I hope this has been of help.

  3. He is still a little young. I know b/c my 3 year old is not good around my pets yet, he wants to sqeeze too hard, pick up by the tail, ect...

    I recommend perhaps a fish tank that he knows he is not allowed to get into or feed unless you are around.

    Also, children that young don't wash their hands that often, and reptiles can carry salmonella on their skin, and if your little guy were to put his hands in his mouth or eat something after touching him, that could be bad.

    Any reptile can bite, and bearded dragons can get about 12-18 inches long from nose to tip of tail.  

    Hopefully this has helped, obviously it is your decision in the end, beardeds are good beginner lizards, but make sure you get lots of info before you purchase one!!

    Good luck!

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