
Bearded dragon help?

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i have a beadie and he just won't let me hold him,he is 3 weeks old,what should i do




  1. My new born beardies typically will cling onto my finger and won't let go. I have to gently pick them up though but after I do, they will hold on. If your beardie won't hang out, that's fine. It's very young and shouldn't be handled too much anyway. I would just be gentle and over time it will change. Beardies like to cling and climb on your body more than being held.

  2. Wait until it's older to handle.  Three weeks is very, very young.  Many breeders won't even sell beardies until they are at least 6 weeks.  Most wait until 2 months.  I'd leave the baby alone until it's at least 6 weeks.  Then, gently pick it up and hold it for a few minutes (5-10) each day.  Eventually, it will become less skittish.

  3. hold him increasingly. make him more comfortable with u. what i do with mine, he doesn't like to be held but he likes to cling on to my shirt as i do my chores.  just let him cling on. if he doesn't like it. sit down with him and put him on your lap.

  4. He's this tiny little thing. He thinks everything's gonna eat him. Of course he's afraid of a giant, unpredictable person.

    I assume you have not had him for a very long time. From the time you first got him, you should give him a couple days all alone, to investigate the tank and feel safe there.

    After that, start bonding. He's going to fear you no matter what, it is his instinct. You just have to take him, maybe while he's still in his hiding place the first few times, and hold him breifly. For a few minutes. You would probably see that he is defensive at first, but this should slowly deminish, and was it does, increase the mount of time you hold him. Then put him back, and leave him alone. Do this a few times a day, the more often the better. He'll get used to you before you know it.
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