
Bearded dragon??

by  |  earlier

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I got a baby dragon last week and another one this weekend. We're about 90% sure its male and female.

Anyway when we first got the male dragon he was a light sandy colour with faint markings underneath and the markings on his back weren't that promenent.

The female is a darker colour with very visible markings. Since we got the female 2 days ago the male's markings have become much more visible and its getting quite tricky to tell them apart we have to hold them side by side to check because she's slightly smaller.

Anyway, is it normal for a dragons markings to get more obvious when it has company? or is it just because he's still growing. They seem really happy together and are always following each other around so i don't think his markings are getting darker in an agressive way.

Anyone got any idea's?





  1. When they are fully grown they will look completely different. They will have similar shapes in their patterns but the color and depth will keep changing by pretty much every alternation i present in their environment. i.e temp, season, surroundings, and especially mood.

  2. I do hope you're talking about  Komodo Dragon and not the mythical ones.

    I'll bet a lot of people here are going to be wondering what you're going on about.



  3. The markings will get more and less obvious for reasons like mood and temperature and other such nuances.  Likely, their color will change significantly after every shed as well.

    Its okay to keep them together now, as long as there are no signs of aggression and one doesn't become significantly smaller than the other, but after 4 months you'll want to separate them because after that the male will sexually mature before the female and breed her before she is ready at 18 months, and that could wreck her health, even cause her death.

  4. it just comes and goes every so often
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