
Bearded dragon question??

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My bearded dragon bangs her nose against the glass tank and jumps against the tank also. Is this because there is a different lizard in another tank next to her?

Also, do i have the right supplies for my beardie? I have:

One ten gallon tank, a basking rock, a light, a reptile carpet, a water bowl, and a food bowl for her beardie pellets.

Do i need anything else? Thx for helping!!




  1. i think your good, u might need a uv light though, im not sure wat kind of light u have. If u don't have a light for night id suggest one or an undertank heater. But im asuming he jumps at the walls to get the other lizard, i put a lizard in my guys tank and within seconds, he attacked the lizard. If u don't have a thermometer u probably should get one for heat and possibly humidity, You will definitly need bigger yank!

    Beardies make great pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck with your beardie!!!

  2. ten gallon is probably ok as long as your beardie is pretty small. If it's over 6 or 7 inches you really need to start getting something bigger possibly. Do you have a heat lamp and a UVB bulb? dragons need UVB, preferrably 10.0 UVB. I wouldn't use reptile carpet for a beardie b/c their claws can get stuck in the loops. If it's a baby, it shouldn't have substrate really. I would use just a paper towel Once it's about a yr old, you can use aspen bedding or another type of acceptable substrate. Dragons also don't use these much, but you also will want to have a hiding spot in the tank as well.

  3. Do not make it so the dragon can see any other reptile

    10 gallon tank is not big enough for an adult, you will need a 55 gallon, you need a UVB light

    go online and look for care sheets for dragons. those pellets are horrible, your dragon needs fresh greens everyday and live insects.if you dont do this your dragon will develop metabolic bone disease and will die from that or malnutrition

  4. How big is your bearded dragon? Be careful with the reptile carpet. A lot of people don't like it because the fibers get caught on the toes of your pet, and cut off circulation, causing the toe to fall off.

    Are you keeping track of the temperature?

  5. You have the right supplies except for the tank! You should have at least a 20 gallon. No wonder she's trying to jump out, she must be incredibly cramped and stressed in there.

  6. our bearded dragon jumps on the glass because he thinks it is another bearded dragon so that might be why and that sound like all the supplies and also if you get a water bottle and squart him they love that and they also needbugs

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