
Bearded dragon redness?

by  |  earlier

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He's about 8-9 weeks old, and I just have that over-protective parenting thing going for him, but since there are answers here that say dragons are playful and like to explore, etc etc, it makes me feel a whole let better.

The only thing I'm worried about now is a tiny bit of redness here and there on his body; I tried to look it up, but found nothing. So I started looking on google to find pics of baby dragons, and a few also had the same little bits of redness here and there.. Nothing big or stripes, just a little bit where he still needs to grow... If anyone knows that it's NOT normal for them to look this way though, mind sending me an e-mail at with a reason? (A pic would help too, since I don't want to get worried about him over nothing.. already heard the stories of red scales and scale rot, or patches of scales falling off..)

He's healty, active, and finally happily eating in his new home, my final concerns were him running up the glass (which you people put to rest) and now just if the bit of redness is normal..




  1. If you feed him in his habitat tank and leave crickets in there after he's done eating, sometimes they can nip at him and leave sores on his body. I feed mine in his habitat tank and leave some crickets in there in case he gets a midnight snack craving (lol), but I always have a "body check" first thing in the morning so I know they're not bothering him. So far he's bee doing really well and they have left him alone, but maybe that's what's wrong with your baby?

  2. do you think they're wounds? Or are the scales that're red? Because bearded dragons DO have red makings on them on special breeds... If the redness looks like it's effecting it's health, I'd take him to the vet.

  3. I have never seen any red on mine, however i know they come in different colors...  

  4. it just problee his coloring it is ok here is a  web site with all the diferent colors of breaed dragons

    good luck they are awsome i have one he is on the darker side  

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