
Bearded dragon yellow around eye?

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I have a bearded dragon. he is about 2 years old but when i was looking at his eye It was yellow all around (which i dont remember seeing before)

and when he closes his eyes they are a little blue. does this sound familiar to anyone. he is a sandfire dragon, in a 55 gal cage, and i recently switched him over from carpet to play sand if that helps at all.




  1. i dont think the yellow around his eyes is anything to worry about. iv had one and he had yellow around his eyes, its just part of growing. and i recomend you dont put him in sand. if you feed him in there he might eat the sand and have digestive problems. iv'e known a couple of dragons die from that. just to be extra safe id bring him to the vet for him to look at his eyes.

  2. if its not crusty around the eye, then its probably fine. If it is, then it has "yellow fungus". Ask your local vet to check it out because yellow fungus is often fatal.

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