
Bearded <span title="Dragon.......................">Dragon......................</span> a Carnivore???????

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so I have a bearded Dragon.

His name is Lionel and he is very sweet.

I was reading about Bearded Dragons in a National Geographic Magazine a couple minutes ago and it said that at some point in their lives they are carnivores?

Is this true?

What do they eat when they are carnivores?

So far all I have been feeding him is carrot bits (as a special treat) and meal worms as a main diet.

Should I be feeding him something else?

Like mice?

I want the best for him and would like to know if I need to be doing something different.

I would really like an experts advice, or at least someone who has owned a Dragon before.

Your help much appreciated.

(Please hurry.)




  1. My daughter and I have had a bearded dragon for 4 years and she also volunteers at a local reptile rescue center.  They are basically omnivores.  Their main diet consists of fruits and veggies, crickets and meal worms.  They can eat pinkie mice (I personally couldn&#039;t do it, but..) The owner of the center where my daughter volunteers occasionally gives them a spoonful of canned dog food to ensure they are getting enough protein.  They will basically eat anything you put in front of them.  They also make awesome pets...Good Luck!!!

  2. Never give a beardie mice. Some breeders give them to gravid (pregnant, if you will) females, but even this is a gamble seeing as beardies are not built for digesting bones. Mice are fatty as well.

    Young beardies need far more protien to be obtained from bugs. Massive amounts of bugs. 30-100 crickets a day. If your lizard is small, try and wean off of the meal worms as the shells can be hard to digest. I&#039;m about to switch my own 4-5 month old beardie onto dubia roaches likely, and once you get yourself aqquainted with them, trust me. You will never want to buy crickets or mealies again. They should be offered greens, but like most children, they usually won&#039;t give them much mind.

    Adult beardies are much heavier herbivores, and I believe the ratio is 80% greens, 20% feeders. And yes. Easy on the carrots as well.

  3. Beardies should eat vegetables with some fruit. Crickets are great as the main protein source. Meal worms are a nice treat, as are wax worms. Wax worms are very fatty, so they shouldn&#039;t be offered very often and only in small quantities. I have heard both pros and cons about feeding pinky mice, so I chose not to do it. More cons than pros.

    Some good veggies are red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, mustard greens, collard greens, grated yellow squash, grated zucchini, chopped bean sprouts. Some good fruits are apples, grapes, melons (just be sure you do not give your Beardie anything with a pit or seeds left in).

    I dusted the crickets in a Reptile Vitamin Powder with D3.  A light dusting right before feeding to the Beardies. I fed crickets about 3 days a week.  

  4. Your Beardies main diet should be veggies with crickets and meal worms on the side.

    Some people feed Beardies pinky mice, but they are very fatty and not good for them at all.

    They are not carnivores, in the wild sometimes, but not in captivity - veggies and insects only for captive dragons.

  5. you need to go to

  6. When bearded dragons get to their adult age you could feed them mice. This is a good thing to do because they get all of the nutrients they dont get from insects and veggies. If you do feed him a mouse only try doing it once a week. good luck :]

  7. no!!!!!!! never feed a bearded dragon mice!!!!!!!!!!! you feed them crickets as there main diet and some carrot bits or even some brocolli or cut up grapes. meal worms are very high in fat and can hurt ur bearded dragon. through out their lives they will eat crickets but when their young they need more crickets and less veggies until they get older and then they need more veggies and less crickets.

    hope this helps!!!!  

  8. they shouldn&#039;t eat carrots, it&#039;s bad for their eyes. They eat crickets different types of worms. Meal worms should not be fed as they have something called chitin in their shell which causes impaction. They&#039;re main diet should consist of: crickets, chollard greens, squash, locusts, pheonix, wax, silk worms theres loads more but those are basics.

    Charlotte x

  9. Meal worms are meat. Meat=carnivorness.... It&#039;s fine. Crickets are good also.

  10. everyone else has given you good ideas, I want to comment on a few things. Carrots are ok for them to eat (they are not bad for their eyes) just not every day, meal worms are ok to feed occasionally, super worms, silk worms, butter worms, wax worms can all add different nutrients to the diet. My vet told me cat food is better then dog food for lizards. You can also try green, yellow and red peppers (my Jibblet liked them in small pieces, and only once in a while), cantaloupe and tomatoes (good for vit c according to vet) are also good. I give a very small amount of cooked eggs about twice a month. (spoonful) As for pinkie mice, I&#039;d stay away from them for the dragon if it was a monitor I&#039;d ask what are you waiting for. Also they need greens a couple of times a week, so what I do is alternate worms, crickets, greens during the week so he doesn&#039;t get bored. Don&#039;t give iceberg lettuce, romaine and other lettuces are better, but kale, collared greens, dandelions are all good for him to eat too.

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