
Beast behind the wheel: How can I avoid getting road rage while driving?

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Though I am normally a quiet person, while driving when I come across people who honk a lot and cutting across lanes without signaling I really get animated with road rage. The incident lingers in my mind the rest of the day and makes me angry whenever I think of it (in short, that one incident ruins my day). It doesn't happen always though. If I mentally prepare myself before getting into the car for bad road manners, then I am OK but on other days, I get fuming if someone acts like a speed racer. Any simple tips how I can deal with it?

Thanks in advance.




  1. Leave a little bit earlier for work in the morning and take a less travelled route, maybe a scenic one?

    Leave work a little bit later to avoid rush hour traffic, and have a snack with you (fruit/water) to alleviate dinner time hunger pangs. Soimetimes we develop low blood sugar just before dinnertime and become easily agitated or tired and impatient.

    I know of friends who have made arrangements to change their work schedules in order to simplify their lives behind the wheel (they come in earlier, and leave earlier, or, they come in later and leave later).

    We all have bad days, including THE OTHER GUY. We all have to take care of each other out there, right?

    I'm a Driving Instructor, and I too, have bad days, but must knuckle under to discipline myself to "bear with it" because the moment will pass, and that OTHER GUY, might have an entire collection of fines and some crash experience too! He/she may be paying exorbitant insurance rates and just doesn't get it.

    Think and Drive

    Think and Live

  2. Vent your rage!

    Always use middle finger

    wave a pistol at other drivers

    "rubbin' is racing"

    Shout obscenities out window

    swerve at 'em- let them know you mean business

  3. Count to ten, over and, over again while thinking of the consequences if, you decide to do something foolish.  Like going to jail or, getting into an accident or, the other guy has a gun!!

  4. Laugh and move out of that idiots way, works every time..

  5. they could be doing it cause they are late, so they beat on their car every time, there plain crazy, its a time management thing, bad habit, but they are probably scared to lose their job, so it portrays as negativity to all in the way whether a car, transport truck or a bus...and this city is worst for holding up traffic with orange pillers every street u turn, and way tooo many frikin red lights, the worst being , which i couldn't stand is parkway mall where 3 consecutive stops are necessary, sine if hit 1 red light u are guaranteed to hit all 3,. so its like driving to get somewhere and its stop and go stop and go,  and the accidents seen daily are unbelievable....advise for these people?

  6. You already have a pretty good handle on the problem...They're out there, you know that they're there - you're prepared for them...Some of them are going to do some weird and stupid things that are dangerous and threatening to you...But you are in control - of yourself and your vehicle...You know where you're going and what roads to take...Remember that you do not have control over the terrain, the roads, the traffic (although you are part of it and thus influence those around you by your actions), time and to a certain extent, the people riding with you.

    Give yourself plenty of time to get where you want to be...Stay focused on what you have to do...Take a deep breath and relax...Don't let the bums get you down.

    All the best.

  7. just drive like there is a police car behind you.

  8. What i do when i come across road rage people(rude).If they honk i smile and wave.It's not the responce they want or expect because they do it to get a negitive response from you.That makes them feel in control.So don't stoop to their level.

              Just smile and wave!!     Debbie O

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