
Beat up in school?

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I was At school and when I left school some girls walked up to me and asked to use my phone and I told them no. They grabbed me and I started to run and then they caught me and they beat me up. they took my Ipod, Phone and my NIKE shoes. I told my mom and she was really upset. The next day the same girls then jumped me. I told an adult but nothing was done. What am I supposed to do? HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Honestly?  Beat up the leader.  Punch her in the face, hard.  I was tormented ruthlessly in 7th grade (1995?).  Finally I snapped and unloaded on the leader of the group...  surprisingly he was a pansy.  I was puny at the time, but it didn't matter, I still won the fight.  From then on, none of them gave me grief.  That was the only fight I've ever been in, and it was worth it.

  2. Do these girls go to school with you?  If so, your parents NEED to go back to school and speak with the principal, possibly the superintendent if nothing is being done.  In the mean time, is there a different route you can walk home?  Do you have friends who are standing by your side at school?

  3. You need to have your mom contact the poliece, and the school that you go to. If you know these girls by name you need to have your parents file a report either to the school or poliece department about you being mugged. You have the right to walk down the street with out being attacked. This is serious, make sure that your parents know everything that happened. If your parents won't do anything. Go to your schools counsleor office and tell them.

    Good luck.

  4. Bluntly spoken: as a parent, I would go to that school and raise 100 different kinds of h**l. I'm hoping your parents are being proactive so that something is done about this!

    Peter makes a great point, though. Did you fight back? Growing up, all you hear is, "Violence isn't the answer!"... Well, there are times ya gotta. They need to know you won't just take it from them, either!

  5. THATS SO HORRIBLE! You could take a self defence class. If you are interested go to

    Ask your mom to go down to the school and talk with someone.

  6. you should tell the princibal those girls parents and tell your parents

  7. **** THEM UP YOURSELF or get your gang buddies to snuff those b*****s!!!
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