
Beating traffic?

by Guest45524  |  earlier

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Do you think it is worth buying a motorcycle to use during rush hour. My commute is about 90 miles (both ways) and using the HOV lane (with the motorcycle), will save me about 1-2 hours everyday. Is there any unforseen consequences or issues that this could bring up?

I will only drive this during all seasons, except the Winter. Also, my daily commute is putting too much mileage on my car (Infinit G35) and with the motorcycle, i will also get closer parking at the hospital i work at.

I am almost ready the buy the motorcycle, but i am still researching and getting opinions. So, Is there any unforseen consequences or issues that this could bring up?




  1. Motorcycles are too dangerous. I can understand wanting to save time, but you have to consider is the savings worth your life?

    My grandfather was a motorcycle rider. He was on his way to work one morning when a driver who wasn't paying attention sped out of a driveway barely clipping the motorcycle. This was enough for my grandfather to get thrown 70ft away into a muddy ditch. I remember seeing him lying in a hospital bed with pins in his hips because his pelvis had shattered in 7 pieces. Once he recovered he never rode another motorcycle and he couldn't walk well enough to enjoy his favorite My grandfather wasn't killed but he was never the same after the accident.

  2. You already mentioned the weather. You did not mention the fact that you can not carry much of anything on a bike. If just commuting it is fine.

    You should also talk to the good people in the emergency trauma units and find out why bikes are often referred to as donorcycles.

    I like moptorcycles but I am a realist too. A myorcycle is a good thing as a second vehicle.

  3. Do they allow motorcycles in the HOV lane where you live? In SE Florida the HOV lanes are exclusively for more than one person (2+) per vehicle or you will be ticketed.

    Secondly in heavy traffic areas the dangers to motorcyclists are greater than in lighter traffic. I would think using the bike would be more dangerous and the time you save might be spent in some hospital with injuries.

    My son who rode a motorcycle in the Seattle area during non rush hour times would never ride it when he moved back to Miami saying it was simply too dangerous because of the kind of drivers on the roads. You may be a careful driver but you have to share the road with many careless and even obnoxious people.

  4. The primary concern is your safety. Rideshare lanes are notoriously dangerous for motorcycles, because drivers routinely cut in and out of them at the wrong places or unexpectedly, often from a dead stop or slow roll, which puts you right up their butt if they are ahead of you. Every day on Los Angeles traffic reports you hear "motorcyclist down". Your exposure time to these nutballs is directly related to your chances of a crash. 90 miles is a lot of exposure. Remember that in the morning you have all the idiots who are in a rush to get to work, all of them left too late, all of them are frustrated and impatient, and none of them see you. In the afternoon, they're all tired, they just got chewed out by six different bosses, it's hot, and none of them see you. A fender bender between two cars is an inconvenience. A fender bender between them and you will kill you.
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