
Beauty Pagents: What benefit they do for society?

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Many contestant rememder Mother Theresa on stage. Later .., what they have done to say that they want to be like Mother theresa?




  1. i think most people over the age of 13 dont really find beauty pagents amusing anymore.

  2. I once read philosophy of Shri Rabindranath Tagore where he educated Mahatma Gandhi about the first and the worst violence on earth.


    It have fathoms of thought waves tiding every senses at that very instant, forcing you to get goose-flesh in disgust and pathetic-ness.

    Beauty, works otherwise. It have fathoms of thought waves tiding every senses at that very instant with divinity, with every sense blessing your eyes, personally. :-)

    Could anything be better to serve humanity?

    Thanks Beauty Pageants, we owe billions of thanks to all of you.



  3. They keep every body's heads high and morals low.

  4. beauty pagents is not that significant....for me it lowers the value of women..

  5. those events help little girls to feel better about themselves, unless they lose

  6. I guess it defines one career for those who want to become models etc but it is a business and most are in it for money not to be like mother Teressa

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