
Beauty is skin deep ?

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i'm sure everyone's heard the saying, 'Beauty is only skin deep'.

some agree saying that a person's beauty is just worth the small physical part of onself and others argue that true beauty is deeper than the skin.

do you split beauty into the physical and non-physical?

if the word beauty means an outward appearence that pleases the eye, why can't beauty be skin deep? why can't we define the inner as something entirely different than beauty?

:D this funny quote:

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want - an adorable pancreas?"

-Jean Kerr




  1. Of course beauty is not just 'skin deep', but that's the first thing people look at.  If you're pretty, people will usually want to get to know your 'beautiful personality' more.  If your kind of ugly, well, people just judge you on the outside.  It's just how the world rolls.

  2. i'm one of those people that think that beauty is deeper than the skin. i mean, someone can be a 10 in looks, but if they're personality is c**p then in my eyes they look uglier.

  3. Ahhh does the shoe fit? Open a beautifully wrapped package to find a dead skunk inside.

  4. No, the saying is 'beauty is more than just skin deep' which means beauty can be on the inside as well as the outside.

  5. Look up the definition of beautiful.

    Here: "having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.;"

  6. I think attitude play a good part in beauty, to me a girl who is cheerful and always smiling will look more beautiful than one who does not.

    Moreover a woman that like children is also beautiful, someone who tells me she does not like children is a turn off.

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