
Beauty or brains???

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haha mr2turbo ...get plastic surgery lol that was good.




  1. "Beauty" did not give the sense of imagination it give u look which attract other. but u can attract & motivate people with ur "brain".

    so both r important parts.

  2. Brains is beauty.

  3. for myself beauty cause its fun being good looking. and in a girl i say if its only 1 or the other id say beauty too cause i enjoy deep intellectual conversations but not as much as s*x.

  4. brains of course

  5. brains...and not really "beauty" as in Top Model..but attractive

  6. Brains...because you can alter your beauty but not your brain.

  7. Like asking Akkal Badi Ki Bhains?

    Guess You found the answer

  8. im inclined to say Brains..but im gonna try the other way...

    so Beauty (is my answer)....if your beautiful, you can marry a rich guy, live a fabulous life and be too dumb to realize what else ur missing...have beauty and develop charisma, thats all you need.

  9. I think in the long run, brains get you farther in life. But, in todays society, beauty is more relevant. People who are considered beautiful get more opportunities and "friends". but that doesnt really mean that those friends are real. So i am voting brains over beauty

  10. Beauty fades so you better have a brain to fall back on. In a mate... he'd better be smart cause eventually you have to talk.

  11. A combination of both in the proportion of 60:40 would be ideal.

  12. Beauty

    Then I will just have to be twice patient to study hard. If I am truly dumb. I will do my best effort to gain knowledge. So I could also have them both someday.

    Cause If I am ugly, instead of lots of facial surgery or so.Just to be beautiful,  I will prefer being dumb and study the best I can.

  13. I would choose brains, but of course, beauty matters to a certain extent too.

  14. Brains.  I need someone I can have intelligent, interesting conversations with.  But it doesn't hurt if they're good-looking too :)

  15. First brain and then beauty.

  16. Beauty. Brains can be Educated. Ugly is forever.

  17. guys just give me one answer? those who says brains, are they ready to marry someone(m/f) who  looks ugly. so you need balance of both of two.

  18. I go with Brains because Beauty deteriorates over the years while the brain lives on.

  19. Brains...because if my face burns anytime, beauty will be gone and all that left is brains!

  20. If I had to pick one: brains. Intelligent people always make it big in life.

  21. both

  22. Brain of course, I agree brain is beauty and respect too.

  23. For my daughters an extra measure of beauty.

    For my sons an extra measure of brains.

    Because women make life, and beauty is the tool of life.

    And men make death, and brains are the tool of death.

    But a touch of each to the other as the spots within the Ying Yang.

  24. I would go with "Brain" because with brain you can make good money, and get plastic surgery later on.

  25. is this a question just  for guys?

    well, anyway, im a girl and in guys i like both.

    no one wants someone ugly, but you don't want someone as dumb as a doorknob either.

  26. beauty
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