
Beauty pageants?

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jw what people thoguths were on beauty pageants . i personally think they r a waste of money, and the people in them rnt even that pretty usually ! whats the poit of even doing it? and opinions? comments ?




  1. yeah i think most of them are but her faces but most of them are for raising money for charity;...

    answer mine please

  2. If they are raising money for charity, thats great, but I don't exactly see the point of them!

    Answer mine!;...

  3. i dont get them, all it is is like a rating conest or something 2 see whos prettier...actually this kinda reminds me of the movie little miss sunshine lol

  4. I agree.  The only part I like about it is that they offer scholarships and give donations, and sometimes run them to raise money for charity.  But other then that, I think beauty pageants are shallow and self demeaning.  Most of the portions that people are judged on are how they look.
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