
Beauty secrets??????

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what are some of your beauty secrets?




  1. a clean arched brow, not to thin but NOT thick. well groomed and smooth

    a shimmery eye shadow/highlighter one shade lighter than my skin tone. a small sweep just under the outer half of my eyebrow and just above my tear ducts. not all over the brow bone

    blush. started at the apple of the cheeks brushed upwards towards my ear.

    matching tones. i'm fair skinned so i need a pink blush and lip color, and cool toned hair. if the vein in your wrist llooks blue or purple you want cool tones. if it looks more green you want warm tones. match your colors accordingly

    emphasize your features. i have a large space between my eye and my eyebrow so i like to play it down to make my facial preportions look more even. Darkness plays things down so [for a natural look] i took an eyeshadow acouple shades darker then my skin tone and applied it to my eye lids. if you have something you want to play up, highlight it with a ligther color, like i did with my first tip.

    use powder. apply a lighter shade than your skin tone under your eyes then use a matching shade for your whole face. this bring excellent light to your eyes and cheekbones and works for any eye shape. i got this tip from tyra banks show and im in love with it. i found it on youtube for you

    part 1

    part 2

    trya is a warm skin tone.. by the way..

    i use liquid foundation and powder. almay clear complexion [even if you dont have blemishes] since its made for blemished skin it does a great job evening skintone and covering things up. its supposed to help blemishes so it is very healthy and good for your skin. it feels very light like you're wearing no makeup. it also is so sheer, i put it on my eyelids and it stops my eyeshadow from melting in. for powder i use physicians formula, also for blemishes, oily, troubled skin. powder absorbs oil and this one i've found works with your natural oils over the day to make the makeup look even better. it gives me that soft smooth airbrushed look that i want. i have one shade very light and one perfect for my skin tone. if there is none that match you, and you dont have anything major to cover up, i would suggest a good translucent powder to help with oil.

    blush keeps you from looking washed out [if you are white]

    curled eyelashes

    if you like a more barbie look, eyeliner will be fine if your eyes are not small. i like a natural look, but if you like the eyeliner look.. i'd say put more on top and a soft brown shadow next to it to make it look softer. then neatly line the bottom. this will make your eyes look smaller.

    if you have wideset eyes focus your eyeliner on the inside corners of your eyes

    if your eyes are close together focus your eyeliner on the outside corner of your eyes.

    good luck. email me with any more questions

  2. Brush your hair at least 100 times before you go to bed and u will have shiny hair

  3. Every once in a while I spray my hair down with leave in re-constructor so that it's almost greasy and I wear it tied up tight in a bun for a day and just let it all soak in. Then my hair is nice and silky and shiny for a while.

    I also use mostly only mineral makeup on my skin. I use mineral powder concealer, foundation, blush and bronzer. The only places I'll put cream substances are on my eyelids and lips. This keeps my skin clear.

  4. Umm i have really nice eyebrows because i get a baby brush and wet it and brush my eyebrows and isn't the point of a beauty secret is that it is a secret...

  5. if i reveled them they wouldnt be secrets would they? lol. i like to put acne cream in my foundation. like i take clean and clear advantage acne spot treat ment and mix it with my covergirl tru blend. it separates a lil, but i just mix it again.

  6. well... i don't think this things really are secrets but i will tell u sum of them...

    - sleeping: it helps u to look good :D

    - honey: i use it for my lips and for my skin. it makes them look great!

    - a baby shampoo: it makes my hair shine

    - sport: i think it is very cool to have a hot silhouette

    - water: ur must be hydrated

    and all the stuff like this

    and don't forgot to be happy and optimist! a nice person is always beautiful :D

  7. - Curl eyelashes before and after applying mascara to hold maximum curl.

    - Use blow dryer on eyelash curler before curling to get more curl. (Check heat on skin first, though.)

    - Use a foundation brush to apply liquid cover up. Don't use your hands (oils will turn liquid a different color) or sponge (soaks up most of product).

    More Beauty Secrets (But not mine):
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