
Because Michael Moorer was a "converted" southpaw banger. Did he have boxing's all time hardest "Right Jab"?

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There are several great converted southpaws but none of them were more respected for their hard jab as Moorer. And of course Moorer was a heavyweight champion. Did he have boxing's all time hardest jab?




  1. He could have potentially had one of the hardest right jabs but I don't believe it was the hardest jab because the other fighters have the natural use of their jab without having to convert and that innate ability can actually get optimal use out of the hand.

  2. Well, it would be difficult to argue against it, since I can't think of too many southpaw heavyweight..... at least ones worth mentioning.

  3. he has a strong case, successful southpaws in the heavyweight division have been rare and very few soutpaws relied much on the right jab (they usually relied on their left power hand) however moorer is a special case because he was a righty fighting as a lefty,his right jab was actually his power hand and that caught many opponents off guard and considering the fact that not many heavyweights were accustmed to powerful right jabs ...moorer was also particularly good at confusing people because he had a strong left hand too, he often threw the rigth jab followed by a left cross(either f which could ko an opponent) as a diversion, making his opponents slip to the outside of thier lefts, he then followed it up with a quick right cross which his opponents rarely expected and that earned him a lot of KO victories (at some point he had 20 in a row) i think you are right in your assessment he might ave very well had the strongest right jab in history.

  4. michael moorer was an average fighter if that he got lucky when he beat holyfield holyfield was having a mild heart attack holyfield beat his *** in a rematch a washed up mike tyson bounced him off the canvas like a play ground ball in the first  and moorer claimed he couldnt go on because of his ankle rd a 50 yr old george foreman kod him with one punch he had a glass chin i dont consider him a great anything another cheese in a declining time in the heavyweight division holyfield and tyson were on a fall in their careers holyfield was having health problems and mike tyson was rotting in jail and old man foreman was again on the rise

  5. Holmes is usually considered to have had the best jab of heavyweight champions.

  6. Interesting question, right jabs are rare, and heavyweight right jabs even more so.  I am tempted to say Moorer was the only right handed jabber, since he was the only southpaw to ever win the heavyweight title.  I can't think of any others, famous or otherwise, so I guess I have to give Michael the nod for the best or hardest "right jab" in boxing.  

    Pound for Pound there have been a few gifted southpaws, Marvin Hagler being formost in mind, but almost no heavyweights of note.  Great question.

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