
Because Of the pills or implantation bleeding, what do you think?

by  |  earlier

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Last month, i got discouraged while trying to get pregnant, and i took 4 pills, i missed about 10 doses and two weeks after my period started, i began to bleed, also around the time which would have been ovulating. now my period is almost two weeks late, unless the pills caused it to come early that time or something else. also, i took a pregnancy test and its negative. could i have took it too early, someone HELP!!




  1. You may have taken a test too early or it may have been because of the pills (and by "pill" I am assuming you are referring to BC pill) I got off the pill three months ago after being on it for 2 years and it messed up my period for the next month, I am just now getting to having a regular cycle. Also, is your period normal, light, could it be spotting? I would defintely take another test in a week if you think you may be, but it could be the pill and your body may just need to get back into its natural rhythm. Good luck!

  2. By taking the pill you would have knocked ovulation off completely because this tricks your ovaries into not functioning properly and therefor decreasing the chance of pregnancy.  The bleeding that you had was most likely a withdrawal bleed and should not be counted as a period.  Your period will not be 2 weeks late either as you have knocked your dates off by taking the pill even though you only took 4.  I would suggest that if you have not had a normal period in like a month you should do another pregnancy test and if this still shows negative see your doctor.

    Good Luck

  3. I don't think that the pill can make you have your period early!  I've never heard of that before!!!  But I would wait a couple days and try another test, maybe ur hormones aren't that high yet.  But if the test still come out negative you might wanna go to the doctor!  Tons of baby dust, good luck and God Bless!!!

  4. It's possible that the bleeding you got 2 weeks ago became your 'new period' as it were. This all depends on the kind of pill, but you sorta messed up the hormonal cocktail when you took pills and then stopped them, so all bets are off when it comes to figuring out when AF is due. You'll probably find that AF arrives in another 2 weeks, but certainly it's a little early to know for sure what's going on. Your body will probably figure itself out in a few weeks. Good luck!

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