If the man was abusive to the mother and child in the past and is/has threatened them; do you think he should still have a right to have visitation/ custody rights? Say the man has also had many (like 10) other cases of domestic violence against him? This is my life. I have applied for a civil protection order against my child's biological father. He has said in the past it doesn't matter what he has done (although he denies any and all domestic violence), that he pays support so that gives him a right to see his child. He did say, that if I get the court to let him sign his parental rights over, that I wouldn't have to worry about him coming around or anything else. He said that would get him out of our lives. He does not want to pay child support. I would be all for that if the judge would allow it. I do know he is obligated to pay all back support if his parental rights were terminated. I just don't think they will let him, though. What do you think of all of this. Serious answers only please.
Thank you.