
Because of all the rain we've had this season?

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Are the mosquitoes very bad in your area?

My new cologne is Deep Woods OFF!!




  1. No, I live in a dry desert (southern New Mexico).  That is one of the benefits of living flying bugs in your face or mosquitoes to ruin your barbecues.

  2. Where I live we have a rain deficit of about 5 or 6 inches. But I live in Louisiana and our state bird is the mosquito!


  3. If it's been raining badly

    What of Scotty and Lottie's burrow

    Won't it be all waterlogged

    When into it they scurry?

    They haven't any galoshes

    Nor sou'westers or umberrellas

    No way of keeping dry and warm

    Poor neglected Cinderellas!

    I suggest you get your man down

    From cleaning out the gutters

    And get him busy building

    A little hutch with rain-proof shutters.

    I know they're your lettuce stealers

    But, against life they need a buffer

    And you Reenie are really kind

    And wouldn't want them to suffer.

    I thought not.

    (Only seen mozzies on my foreign holidays - we have midges/gnats here which are like teeny-weeny mozzies - they hover in bunches in the evening just above head height, so cause no problems)

  4. "HI",

    Where I live we are lucky to see rain, so when we do, its a god send. although  Christmas before last '2006' we were plagued with Locusts, literally, which is very rare and uncommon. If that's what they meant in the bible, than we have had it. The whole highway was scattered by thousands of locusts and another 5 swarms going tree to tree for miles. since than never seen them again. The fields hear aren't  green their Brown Grey. I Had to lough the other week, because there was a farmer that re-did his fields where it was the only green field in the area. and all the herds and flock of sheep were eying the field from across the paddock where they had nothing left to graze. It was like holding an ice cream in front of a baby, and not being able to grab it. I thought you poor things, what a tease that is... It was so sad.

  5. I'm next to the other ocean - opposite Elaine's. Haven't seen any mosquitoes but did see one mosquito hawk. ♥

  6. So is mine.

  7. It hasn't stopped raining long enough for the puddles to become stagnate.

    The grass is getting taller

    The squirrels are getting fuller

    The birds feast as if famined

    Everyday is another

    Before the rain  drops stop

    And the water

    Becomes contam. . .

    i nated.

  8. On my island, the ocean breezes keep most of them away. I have not been bitten by a mosquito for years.

  9. Those nasty ol 'skeeters' have been around for more than just this Spring. The nasty lil pests were just waiting for the rain to hatch ! I have been using the 'dry' off spritz on .It works very well  IF  I remember to use it .

    I have seen the mosquitoes so bad that we couldn't breathe through our mouths -eeeeeuch !

    Don't allow water to stand any where  the skeeters will lay eggs and they will be back to munch on you !

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