
Because of my bad english i would not be able to speak in front of othres?

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Because of my bad english i would not be able to speak in front of othres?




  1. join some English speaking course for learning correct grammar portion and for vocabulary read newspaper daily and the meaning of the words which u don't know u can learn it by looking for it in dictionary but make sure to speak this language with ur family members or with ur friends & tell them to correct u whenever u r wrong in the beginning start with small sentences in this way this language will become on ur tips

  2. practise make it better or go to school for speech improvement there are school who teach you how to improvr your english diction.

  3. practise as much as u can...jus try n converse maximum in english.the more u'll speak,the quicker u'll have a hold on it.

    buy sum buks to corrrect ur basics.and join sum short term course in spoken'll really help.

  4. i too was feeling the same !!!!

    my english was too bad, but now ????

    i feel proud of myself because i can speak english much better than the professionals.

    1.  see, 1st and foremost practice is the best way to learn and improve any language.

    2.  secondly, never speak the TAPORI language which uses-

    " YOU KNOW "

    " 100 bugs "

    3.  and the language spoken by TODAYS college students or media people !!!

    4.  learn and love the language spoken by people like p.chidambaram, ahuwalia, kiran karnik etc.

    5.  know your english from THE HINDU paper is fantastic !!!

    6.  try to use the languages which u get in best news magzines.

    7.  try to use special words in lue of ordinary

    e.g. instead of lazy use lakadizical, or seldom instead of rare

    ONLY THEN YOU WILL FEEL THE WAY I FEEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. keep speaking... as much as possible... wrong or right...

    that is the only way to learn...

  6. Your grammar and spelling could use some work, no way to tell your accent without hearing you, but you're not going to get better if you don't practice.

  7. have confidence in ur self . if people laugh at u , let them laugh . in todays world people are very selfish and heartless . dunt care about any1s comment . just have faith in uself . try to speak english at ur hm with ur bro or sis . for any help jus mail me at katrina.kapoor@ymail .i will definately help u dear .  dunt hesitate . try to speak any write in english . dunt care abt wt others say . all d best .

  8. Its learning and practice which will make you perfect....You must  speak in english, whatever littlie or bad you know.. and don't feel bad when somebody corrects you.. that is what called practical learning. Watch  news and you will learn lots of new words and phrases and also the assent in which they should be spoken....Read the news paper loudly and hear your own voice how it sounds... and keep on improving it...

    Rembember nothing is impossible if you try... good luck

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