
Because of the current spate of knife in the UK would you intervene if you saw somebody getting attacked?

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or would you be afraid to help the victim in case you got hurt or worse.




  1. The people who have answered, yes they would intervene, I hope you do not have kids!!!

    It is a common known fact that MANY MANY people get killed trying to be a Good Samaritan in this country now (it was never like that a few years ago, i think we all know why)

    Too many people get murdered by doing the right thing, as SOME people do not value life

    If it was me, i would help if i thought i could without risking myself, i would certainly phone the police and try to see what was happening and relay it to them over the phone.

    But i would NEVER risk my little man losing his daddy!!!!

  2. I would not give a thought to my own safety if I saw someone in need of help regardless of what may happen to me.

    I have always put other people before myself.

  3. That is a really hard question!  I like to think that if I saw anyone attacked in any situation I would help.  I don't think I would have time to think about the spate of crimes that have happened with knives of late, I think it would be an instinct to just try to help in any way I could.

    Im pretty sure I can say yes, I would try to help/intervene if I saw someone getting attacked - but not to be a hero - just because it would be my natural reaction.

  4. I would not intervene.  I would call the police.  Too many innocent people end up dead by "doing the right thing".

  5. Yes.

  6. I would be afraid in case i got hurt but i would still intervene. I am more afraid of the guilt that i would face, thinking that i could of done something to help. Imagine if they got seriously injured or even killed.

  7. i'd stay out of the way, but call the police and an ambulance.  when the attackers were gone, i'd stay with the victim until help arrives.

  8. It may sound heartless, but I would not put myself at any risk, especially if there was a risk of death.

  9. I would not get invold, I would just run them over in my CAR....hence they would get hurt not me.......

  10. Very tough question, and I'm ashamed to say I probably wouldn't physically intervene, aside from looking for help/calling the police.

  11. I have disarmed someone of a butterfly knife, but I'm getting a bit old for doing it now.  I know how to kill someone with my bare feet, but it takes me ten minutes to take my shoes and socks off.

  12. I think i would intervine but i think you never really know until you are in that situation. my own personal safety would definately cross my mind though!

  13. spent 15 years intervening whilst working at a mental health hospital more or less had to. would think twice these days though as I'm much older and would probably end up injured or worse.also the kind of knife wielding thugs about today are well aware that should they be caught their quality of life would improve in prison,most are Ferrel kids,no love from or for anybody.

  14. If I thought it was safe to.

    Like the local people who stepped in to try to save Shakilus Townsend, I have an enourmous amount of respect for them.

  15. I personally would ring for the police and not intervene for fear of getting hurt.

  16. Me to. I would be to scared but I would try and get help

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