
Because people are incapable of proving Gore is a human AND "climate change" is real does that mean they arent

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Because people are incapable of proving Gore is a human AND "climate change" is real does that mean they arent




  1. The so called global warming is only a concept advocated by a section of scientific community.Whether it is happening or not ,nobody knows with certainty.There is neither a standard scientific method which is mutually and globally accepted nor any global authority to decide whether any particular effect on a particular location is caused by global warming and not by any other factor.

  2. Very good question. The answer is whatever some people might say Global warming does exist and it is real too. People are always jealous of what they are not capable of proving and hence bring out nonsensical issues That that particular thing doesn't exist. And Global Warming is such a devastating PHENOMENON that it already doesn't require scientific proof. Everything is happening in front of our eyes!! If you are still in a doubt feel free to contact me:

  3. Of course Global Warming is real - we have had tens of thousands of Global Warmings (Climate Change) in the past million years!  

    So, Climate Change is real - but it is not caused by human beings!   Why is it so hard to see that if thousands and thousands of Climate Changes have occurred in the past without any assist form human beings, that this is just another one of the same cycles we are going through!

    Al Gore ran for president and now he is fat with a beard!  (He would have been president if his own state wanted it so!  Forget Florida, it was Tennessee that did him in!)  

    Al Gore (the bore) has made over 100 million dollars off his "Global Warming" fears!   Follow the money when it comes to Global Warming!  

    When the "Free World" was involved in the "Cold War" that fear of total destruction by the USSR was the great "FEAR" of the day!  The Military Industrial Complex was the benefit of this conflict.  The Cold War is done for, Reagan saved the West from the Bear!   Now Global Warming (changed to Climate Change when the Earth did not warm as fast as the alarmists promised) is the new danger to FEAR!

    Who benefits from this Climate Change FEAR - besides Al Gore and his Ponzi Scheme of Carbon Footprint exchanges, big business stands to gain BILLIONS of dollars off "Green" projects!   General Electric is only one of thousands of these companies that stands to make BILLIONS of dollars curing this new "FEAR!"

    Global Warming, Climate Change, death of animals, glaciers melting are all normal events that would happen even with out human beings being on Earth!

    Want to s***w with a Greenie - keep asking them if there were no HUMAN BEINGS on Earth - would Climate Change take place??   Since this has been happening for a billion years already the answer can only be yes!  So, human beings do not cause Climate Change!

    P.S. The U.S. has more trees now than 100 years ago.  Forests that have had logging also have roads that is useful for the fire department to put out fires started by lightening!  Old growth forests where LOGGING was prevented simply burn to the ground and kill tens of thousands of animals!  Logging saves forests!

    Cars are ruining the air we breath!  Well Meat Production is worse!  Meat Production is the raising of beef cattle, pigs, lambs, goats, sheep, chickens, etc. which are for human consumption.   Waste products, methane gas, animal farts cause more damage to the air than all of the cars in the U.S. running at the same time for a year!  Want to s***w with a Greenie - ask him if he is a vegetarian - if he is not then he is contributing to "harmful gas" production!  Want to save the air in the world then become a vegetarian!

    Antarctica is breaking off - worry, worry!  Antarctica is larger than the entire United States, larger than Europe!  Bits and pieces have been falling off for thousands of years!  Center of Antarctica is gaining ice mass though!  Big chunks have been breaking off for thousands of years, it is normal!  Isn't Florida warmer than Maine in December?  Duhhhhh!

    Normal cycle of animals is around a one or two thousand years.  They die off when habitat changes and they are replaced by other different animals!  Human beings are animals too!

    Al Gore is human, you can hardly miss him - he is as large as a baby elephant!  And, he has a very large house that uses more electricity than an entire town!  Flying around in his own plane that burns so much fuel (well he is fat) that we could have flown thousands of passengers on the same fuel instead of just a fat guy with a beard, who made 100 million dollars off Global Warming!  Yeah, he exists and is smiling all the way to the bank!

  4. don't hate al because he's become a rebel with a cause.  i believe both are real...gore and climate change.

  5. Because people are incapable of proving Gore is a human AND "UFOs, Ghosts and tree sprites" are real does that mean they arent?

    Because people are incapable of proving Gore is a human AND "God" is real does that mean they arent?

    Because people are incapable of proving Gore is a human AND "Islam is right" does that mean they arent?

    Because people are incapable of proving Gore is a human AND "....well by now you get the point.

    By the way, what is yours?

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