Note: Not a typical how do I be a pilot question.
I was wondering what the corporate/business aviation field 'looked like', in terms of current and projected pay changes over the years, job openings and projected changes over the years and so on and so forth...
Also, how is life as a corporate, or charter pilot, focusing on jets and turboprops used for executive travel (e.g. the King Air).
Everyone wants to fly for airliners and want to fly the largest, most expensive things in the sky but I can't help but think that you get the best of both worlds (private flying and flying for airlines) flying business jets... And that its the best option for me.
Also, would you stop at the CPL license or would you go to ATPL for hiring sake. And how much did you pay for it (wouldn't mind the location of the training, either)
Also, how much would type-ratings cost for small, medium and large sized aircraft...
Quite a bit of a request, I know, bare with me please. Can never know too much...