
Become a dancer?

by Guest55756  |  earlier

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i need some exercises that will increase my leg flexiblity and strength. (be able to do a split as well as keep my leg extended gracefully in the air for a while)

Also, I'd like to be able to do a Walk Over and such tricks. (safely!!)

i dont tak dance classes or anything, becaause i can't afford them, so i'm lost, but i yearn to become a great dancer.

also, i'm mostly in the hip hop field, so where can i learn new techniques? (like online)

I'm 15, btw, if that has anything to do with anything.




  1. One word - Youtube.

  2. you can try your local community center, they sometimes offer free classes or a small donation .also check your local YMCA.

    have you thought about a school for the performing arts?

    and of course there is youtube.

    best of luck to you!!
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