
Become a dentist? .......

by  |  earlier

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So here's the thing, I want to become a dentist REALLY BADLY when I grow older. And I have Palmar Hyperhidrosis[excessive sweating in the hands] and Planter Hyperhidrosis[excesive sweating in the feet.] Do you think this will stop me/pull me away from my dream job? Cause seriousely, I dont want my hands dripping when Im working. And Lol, I love teeth. XD I've always been into teeth when i was younger, lol I know kinda wierd right? Well thats why my teeth are like always white. :D

*looks at hands* ... *drips with sweat* (sigh.) :( And do dentists like where gloves when checking on the pateint?




  1. Hello, I applaud your interest in becoming a dental professional and I applaud your being so open about you own health issue. First, Yes all health professionals are actually required to wear gloves when touching any open cavity of the body. You say your condition affects both your hands and your feet, while the hand sweating might not be an issue that would prevent you from being a dentist, I would have to wonder if the sweating of the feet and or the hands is also accompanied by an offensive odor...If it is an attendant issue, my feeling is that patients would not be comfortable with having to deal with an odor issue when being treated by you. Let me suggest that your interest in teeth might better be served by being redirected towards dental research. Dentistry is now and will be for a very long time in dyer need of dedicated dental research specialist in a variety of dental fields. If you went onto research you might come up with a breakthrough that would help thousands and thousands instead of only a very few were you in private practice. Give that some serious thought. Good luck and I wish you well.

  2. yes, dentists do use gloves when checking on patients.  since gloves enclose your hands, they will sweat anyways.  depending on the severity of your condition, this may be a problem.  maybe there will be better medications out there when it is time for you to go to dental school to help curb the sweating.  some stores sell boxes of latex gloves, like pharmacies.  go get a box and put on a pair of gloves.  do things like clean house or anything active like that and see how bad it gets.  you may just have to change your gloves more often then other dentists.  don't let your condition deter you from your dream!

  3. Dentists ALWAYS wear gloves whenever they are doing ANYTHING,  so you don't have to worry about slippery hands,  and no patients will ever know you have an issue.  

    The important part is you have all the other attributes needed to be a good dentist.   It is a great career,  very stable and profitable,  and a great avenue if you like medicine and like to help people.

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