
Become an Olympic swimmer in 4 years time.Is it possible?

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I am 15 and i have been swimming since the age of 5 but I have only joined a swimming club recently.Does anybody think that if I train well like say 4 to 5 hours a day that that might bring me up to Olympic standard by the time the London 2012 Olympic games start.Swimming is a passion for me,and my coach says I have a good techniques in freestyle and breaststroke but I still have to learn butterfly




  1. Becoming a professional swimmer is a lot more complicated than you seem to think. Swimming every day won't just do it, you need the right land training, diet etc.

    Your best option is to try and join a professional swimming club - i don't mean a local one, a proper serious club.

    And i doubt 4 years will be enough, unless you are the next Phelps and have a great talent.

    hope this helps, good luck

  2. you can do it!:)

  3. I have been swimming since I was four we have a pool in our backyard and I was on the swim team for 2 years, its fun, you would have to be out there 6 days a week and four to five hours a day if you want to do that. I love swimming too!! Butterfly is by far the hardest!!!

  4. Anything is possibly. Never give up on your dreams

  5. go for it, if you are determined you CAN do it.  

  6. Possible?  Of course.

    Likely?  No.

    You'll only have about three years to train and become eligible for London because in 2011 you'll have to start entering (and winning)qualifying championships and events.  You'll need proper training, proper diet, the support of your family and friends, dedication, commitment, and, most of all, talent.

    Why not set your sights on the 2016 games instead?  That might be more feasible.

  7. Go for it.  

  8. ??? probably not? depends on how well you swim

  9. Im sure yuhh can do it jus believe in ure self  

  10. anything in this life is possible just train hard and belive in yourself...good luck and hope to see you at the 2012 games

  11. i beat any of them swimmers  

  12. No it's not possible to pick up swimming and in four years expect to make the US Olympic Team.

    And as far as what another poster said, No, it's not an easy sport either. That's like saying basketball is an easy sport or the marathon is an easy sport. Can I play basketball? Sure, but not to the point of making the US team. Can I eventually walk 26.2 miles? Sure, but not in 2:07 and make the US squad. Can you pick up swimming and finish the 100 meter freestyle in 4 years? Yes, but not in 47 seconds you can't.

    What is possible in four years is to pick up a love of the sport and put a lot of effort into it. You can achieve a great deal in 4 years of swimming but to think you can go from scratch to Michael Phelps over the course of 4 years is unrealistic.

    I swam for 12 years. I practiced 11 practices per week in the water for 2 hours per practice. I got up early 6 mornings a week to attend a 30-45 minute stretching and 3 times a week dryland (weights) for 30-45 minutes. I put my heart and soul into the sport (and still love it today) and aspired to be an Olympian. I set a National record and qualified for the Olympic trials. But that's as close as I got. I say this to illustrate the type of commitment this sport takes to compete at the top level.

    Now just because I didn't make it doesn't mean you can't. I'm just saying making the US Olympic team is a real long shot to begin with and to try and make it in 4 years (especially without any background) is simply unrealistic.

    Now, there's a second way to make an Olympic team in four years though. You should still put in the hard work, time, heart, and soul but it's a more realistic path. The only problem is you'll need to know the right people who can cut some strings for you. You'll need to find a country that participates in the Olympics that currently has no swim team. Attempt to get dual citizenship. After getting citizenship petition the national Olympic committee to nominate you to participate and represent their country in the swimming portion of the games.

    Now, of these two choices, the most probable path is the second one. One of my swimmers received dual citizenship because his parents were Turkish Nationalists and he represented Turkey in the Olympics. (However, he was a US National level swimmer that had been competing for 12+ years already).

    If you don't think this happens watch the following video of Equatorial Guinea's Eric Moussambani and his Olympic dream:

    I'd like to wish you much success and good luck with your choice.


  13. maybe not in 2012 since you just started swimming but if you keep training than its possible my friend has been swimming since he was  7 in clubs and stuff now he is 17 the fastest guy in our area and his modow is operation london 2012 he trains about 7 hours a day 3 hours in the morning and 4 in the after noon

  14. Why do you need three styles?  One high standard in one discipline will do, but ask yourself if you can be bothered with the endless 3am starts, the boredom of swimming another length, and what is it all for?

  15. If you have the competitive spirit in you and if you are prepared to put in a LOT of effort then it should be possible. But you are going to need to work VERY hard, be good enough to persuade someone to fund you and find an extremely good trainer.

  16. Go for it!  Four years is long enough if you've got the basic physique and technique for your coach to work on.

  17. If you work at it then of course it's possible but you will have to be so committed and prepared for a lot of hard work. And why do need to learn butterfly? Don't waste your time, just focus on getting up to a really high standard on your best strokes. A lot of Olympicc swimmers only compete in events of 1 stroke.

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