
Becoming a Navy SEAL>???

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How hard is the Navy SEAL Pre-screening and how can I succeed at it? How can I survive the BUD/S? Can anybody describe me what each week is based on?




  1. i dont know **** all about us military but u probably have 2 join marines or navy first

  2. Ok, this is the deal, look up Navy Seal Challenge on the net, that will direct you to a recruiter and they will get you going into the program. Right now, once you sign on they will test you for the ASVAB and give you the SEAL PST, it is also available on the net and one of the above posters has it right but you have to do more than that to be competitive, those score he listed are the minimums, once you pass that they will put into Active Duty and you will go to boot camp but your boot camp class will be ALL Diver, SEAL and EOD candidates, this allows for extra attention for PT and other things. Once thru boot, you will go to what is called the Naval Special Warfare Prepratory School, also at Great Lakes. It is a brand new program to prep kids before they go to BUD/S, you will be at that school for at least 10 weeks and get training on a lot of the things you will see at BUD/S, a lot more PT, etc...this is in order to better prepare you to get thru BUD/S since after quitting the next two biggest reasons for BUD/S failure is either Medical Drop or Performance Drop. Once you get thru that you will go to BUD/S, then you will be at that for 26 weeks, then go to SQT, SERE  School in Maine as a class (2 weeks) and Static and HALO for Four Weeks in San Diego they no longer go to Ft. Benning for Static, it is a complete waste of time for 3 weeks and it is a joke for a selection course now,  so for six months after BUD/S you train then go to your team, your work up will be a year and a half and then you will deploy for 6 months to whatever spot your supposed to go to. Basically, you will be in training for almost 3 years before you even deploy and that is if you make it thru.

    To Prep yourself before the PST, there is a good thing online as well that a lot of guys in the teams do, it is called CrossFit, do CrossFit WOD, do extra pull up workouts though on top of whatever the WOD is, and I would do a Ladder System Pull Up Workout to start-ie; 1 Pull Up, drop down and do 2 Push Ups, 2 sit Ups, 2 Tricep Push Ups, 2 Crunches then do 2 Pull Ups, then 4 Push ups, etc..etc..till you can go up to 10 Pull Ups and 20 Push Ups, etc..and back down again to 1. You can go as high as you can so your goal should be to get to 10. For Cardio, either do the running program they have in the BUD/S Warning Order, do Stew Smiths workouts or go to CrossFit Endurance and do the Running WOD they have posted. Hope this helps :-)

  3. The PST is pretty easy if youre in good shape, all it requires is that, swim 500 yards in under 12:30, do 42 pushups in under 2 minutes, 50 situps in under 2 minutes, 6 pullups no time limit, and a 1.5 mile run in under 11:00, but those r just the minimum requirements, then is they except you and your qualified as a SEAL candidate you get put into a BUD/S class, Basic Underwater Demolitions School, wich is 6 months long and the phases are in this exact order...

        * BUD/S Indoctrination: (5 weeks — Coronado, CA)

        * BUD/S Phase I: Physical conditioning (2 months — Coronado, CA)

        * BUD/S Phase II: Diving (2 months — Coronado, CA)

        * BUD/S Phase III: Weapons, demolitions and small unit tactics  (2 months — Coronado, CA)

        * Parachute Jump School: (1 month — Ft. Benning, GA)

        * Advanced Sea, Air and Land Training: (5 months — Coronado, CA)

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