
Becoming a better drinker?

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i know people are gonna say drinking is bad blah blah blah but i want advice i do like to drink but sometimes i notice myself having 1 or 2 beers and being completely drunk... lol sometimes i see my friends drinking beer after beer added with shot after shot and still able to handle it and down more and more dont get me wrong im not a rookie drinker ive been drinking for over 2 years now i have been drunk really drunk many nights throwing up but my question is how can i learn or teach myself to hang with my friends, to drink many many beers, shots, liquar, beer, anything and not be drunk so quick?




  1. You will gain tolerance over time.  But there are several tricks.  Eat before you start drinking. Not a huge meal, but a meal that definitely has some bread in it.  The bread will soak up a lot of alcohol.  Also drink water while you drink the alcohol (1 to 1 ratio if you can) and pee every chance you get.  

  2. With every drink you have, drink twice the amount of water.  Don't mix different alcohols (beer before liquor makes you sicker)!  Also, never ever drink on an empty stomach.

  3. Drinking better means having good taste.  Getting drunk easy means you can buy the good stuff, and get a good buzz, while everyone else drinks 20 Bud lites.  Start drinking the good stuff (some high gravity micro brews) and before long you will be drinking the lite guys under the table if you want.  

  4. Eat a meal before hand and drink water.

    It really depends on your tolerance and bodyweight too, gender also plays a factor.

  5. First, I would never incapacitate myself to the point of being victimized by friends, and this can happen. Second, I have never enjoyed being around drunks. If they are trying to prove something, I believe its not intelligence,or good judgement. A friend of mine gained several thousand dollars in settlement, and proceeded to buy for his "New" friends" In two weeks time, he drank himself into a coma, with probably no more alcohol than you want to consume. He is dead now after laying in his own vomit and f***s for about 3 days, no one checked on him.It looks like you want to have fun and keep up with your friends, I hope you can, but the dangers are greater that the rewards.I drink moderately, and only to the point of enjoying my friends, and I'm sure of a long and happy party. Be wise, be careful.

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