
Becoming a billionaire in stock market??

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I am a good trader/investor I know alot for a kid my age 17. past 4 years ive been up 512% my question is say i invested 5000$ and got a return of 5% a week( i can do this no problem most weeks) and weeks not all the weeks lets just say 30 weeks in a year.. for 5 years.. that should get me around 7 million right? i would be around 25 years old by then .. i would do this trading is this possible has anyone done it??@!! and then i would invest that 7 million in pretty speculative stocks but i would limit risk if it goes down i sell it! then say i get a return of 45% for 10 years.. now i am 35 with 228 million!! possible?? i do believe i have a talent like no other im not really smart in school other than math and business classes... im an outcast but i can smell the market>




  1. It could be possible. Only way to find out is to open an account, and trade with real money.

  2. So for every $1000 x (512%) = you made $5120.00?

    Thus, a $10,000 investment would have turned into $51,200.

    If you think you can do it more power to you.

    If you really did this in real money and in real time and have real brokerage confirms to prove it (audited), then you could get paid millions a year for being a fund manager. You’re going to have to prove it. If this is paper trading or using hypothetical models, it doesn’t count.

  3. It is completely possible.

    There are many many millionaires and billionaires who've done exactly the same thing you have. I'm not sure as to your method, but as a Finance major with all his trading licenses, I've seen it happen.

    Just be sure to hedge yourself. In other words, if you made a million, put a portion of it aside in non-risk investments (principle guaranteed annuities, ect).

    In other words, you COULD make 228 million if you consistently bet it all. But don't. And don't believe for a moment that you've made any money until you've got it into your pocket. I've seen fortunes dry up faster than Tom Green's career.

    Good luck and Good fortune!

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