
Becoming a doctor? steps needed?

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im a high school senior now and i was wondering what the next step is in becoming a doctor. i can just go to any four year college right? do i major in science? and then whats after that? (california by the way)




  1. Well, you'll need a Bachelor's degree- in a relevant field. You can't just go to ANY 4 year college. Make sure the college you're attending has a strong sciences curriculum. It's a plus if they have advisers that'll help you with your pre med track. I'm double majoring in Biology and International Relations w/ pre med and pre law track.Take the MCAT- my friend has been studying non stop for this. She took it once, but didn't receive the score she'd been hoping for. 4 years of Medical school and 3-8 years of residency/internship depending on your specialty.  

  2. You can study science or complete a pre-med program.  A 4 year science degree is a better choice, but you will want to make sure you complete all the required prerequiste courses a medical school requires which may not be part of the degree outline.  You  will also be required to study for and score high on the MCATs.

  3. You don't necessarily HAVE to major in science. Although a lot of people think this, it is not true and apparently a lot of schools look highly upon other majors. It makes you stand out among the thousands of other biology and chemistry majors who have all taken the same classes and look the same on paper. As long as you take all the pre-reqs and do well in them and the MCAT then you're fine. Admission committees are looking for overall well-rounded students. Being involved in extracurricular activities and volunteering is very important as well, it shows that you have an interest in helping the community and lets them see that you genuinely want to be a doctor to help people, not for the money or lifestyle. I looked into medical school, but then quickly decided on dental instead, but all of the medical and dental school's I've researched encourage students from all major backgrounds to apply.

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