
Becoming a nurse anesthetist (CRNA)?

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I want to become a nurse preferably a nurse anesthetist. But, I don't really have a mentor on how to do show. So, could you help me figure out what I have to do? I am going to be an incoming junior in high school and in a program called Running Start which allows me to obtain my Associates degree and high school diploma at the same time. So, from there where do I need to go?




  1. This is a highly competitive field.  You need to start now by keep your grades as high as possible.   If your associates degree will be a ADN (RN degree) then you will need to apply to a university to get your BSN, and then you will have to apply for grad school to get your MSN, and be eligible to listed as a CRNA.

    If your associates is not in nursing, then you will still need to become a RN and I suggest getting your Bachelors and not your ADN.

    Most grad schools require you to have worked as a RN, in critical and or intensive care units for at least one year before entering the program.   After completing the program you must take an National Certification exam.

    While in the CRNA program you will find it hard to work a regular job because the hours and training are so demanding, on average 40hrs a week for school, and keep in mind your grades to get in.  You must do the absolute best to be able to compete.


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