i've wanted to be a commercial pilot for a few years. i'm 17 now and will graduate May 2009. i would like to start training right out of highschool. there are still things i want to know such as: if there are any pilots reading this did you go to an actual university and get a degree or did you go straight to aviation school? if you went to a university what did you study and get a degree in? is it necessary to have a degree to become a pilot? did you like aviation school? if you don't mind, what is your annual income? i've heard that pilots may start out at as little as $20,000 a year and over the years work up to over $100,000 a year. is there anything i can start studying now before i graduate? excluding getting my private pilot's license. it's just too pricy at the moment. i'm saving for school afterwards. one more: did you have to show your highschool transcripts and test results to get into aviation school? if so, what were the minimum requirements? please help and thanks!