
Becoming a teacher for highschool?

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I would really love to become a teacher but I dont want to teacher Junior High or Elementary I just want to teach Highschool. How do I go about doing that? I know what I have to do to become a teacher and all that stuff but after that do you have to start at the bottom grades and work your way up or can you just start in highschool? Any other information is nice too.....




  1. If you have teaching talent built in you approach with your resumes to high schools  But teaching high school students require littele experience in teaching

  2. Take a 4-year teaching degree from an accredited university. Focus on secondary education with a specialty area (English, chemisty, history, language, etc.) You do not start in elementary school and "work your way up."

    High school teachers have different training than elementary school teachers or middle school teachers. You will be expected to regularly update your training and eventually take a graduate degree in education.

    Requirements vary from state to state. Public school requirements may be a bit different than those for private schools. This site has a lot of great info:

  3. Take your resume to high schools you wouldn't mind working at and get on the subing list.

  4. First, figure out what you want to teach! You can go into nearly anything, but schools really need math and science teachers, so those majors might make it easier to get a job. Once you have your bachelors in a specialty area, you can move to a fifth year teaching program. Many programs have different cohorts, one for middle/secondary, and one for elementary.

    Good luck! Have a great time!

  5. Do you remember what you and your classmates put the substitute through when you were in high school?

    It's 10 times worse now.

    Other than that, everything you need to know is in the first answer to your question.  It's easier to get an English position than social science.  For some reason, social science teachers hang on until grim death.  English teachers burn out within 5 years  75% of the time, so there are more vacancies.

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