
Becoming a vegetarian...?

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so i finally decided i will become a vegetarian, i was wondering if anyone had any foods that are good for vegetarians and i am a gummi addict. i love gummi bears, worms, dinos you name it.and i heard that gummi's are made with animal bones like in the gelatin? is that really true and i have like hasbro gummi bears or something, they are in a gold packet, are those made out of bones? and if anyone knows any gummi bear companies that arent made with animals could you tell me the company name as well please?






  1. that is true

    sorry :(

  2. Congrats on your decision!

    Gelatin is formed by boiling the skin, bones, and connective tissue of animals. Animals are not killed specifically to make gelatin; it's a slaughterhouse by-product. You can try to avoid it if you want, but I wouldn't really worry about things like gelatin. It's very hard to avoid because it's in many candies, film, medicines, etc. If you ever take Advil you are eating gelatin.

    So I would just focus on taking the meat out of your diet. Hope this helps!

  3. there is gummis that are not made from animal bones but for the life of me i can't remember what brand it is

    they taste nasty though

    remember you can't eat caesar salad dressing or any of its derivatives either, because that's anchovies in there

  4. every type of gummi has gelatin in it ): and unfortunately, so do marshmellows. its hard, i know. especialy how your a gummi addict.  and some good foods for vegetarians are veggie burgers, mock meat, pasta, lots of veggies (of course :]), nuts, beans, soy milk, any kind of tofu, and soooo much more! trust me, once you get started, you feel so muc hmore healthier and have way more energy!!! good luck becoming a veggie :D

  5. Vegetarians usually try not to eat the actual skin and muscle of a animal, i think gummies are fine. But if you're really serious about this...

    Gummy worms DO have animal products in them. They have something called gelatin in them, which is boiled animal parts. It's also found in jello, marshmallows, some candies, and tons of other food. Some gummy candies don't have gelatin in it though.

  6. sorry but anything with gelatin in it is not for vegatarians, even marsmallows. theres no way to get around it.

  7. Boca, morningstar, all of those meatless "meats" are awesome! You can go to "" for a lot of  really yummy recipes! Try new varieties/flavors of salads. Get a lot of protein and fiber in your diet. Like, dairy products, and peanuts. A lot of legumes, too (Soy, peanuts, clover, etc.) Also, I know a good way to get your vitamins in, while having really yummy gummies! Try those gummi bear vitamins called Lil Critter Gummy Vites (I know, cheesy name, but they're good!), they're not made out of bones. They're pretty easy to find in the vitamin section. Hope I could help. =)

  8. try going to an organic food store (whole foods, trader joes, lakewinds..) and they have gummys that are vegan.

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