
Becoming an airline pilot?

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Hey all, I'm sort of in a pickle...I think.

Ever since high school, I've seriously considered being an airline fact, it's all I want to do with my life. I love aviation. I've even taken a few hours in lessons, and had a blast. So anyway, here's my situation.

I know that to get an interview with an airline, you have to have a 4 year degree...I'm currently in my 3rd year of college majoring in history (my other passion)..the problem is, I can't do much with a history degree. If I want to teach, that's more years of college, and I'm afraid I'll get stuck teaching the rest of my life....would it be possible to somehow, if I get a part-time job, get all of my flight licenses until I get a CFI license while still in college (I'll be here for probably 5 years, so two more left), and then teach to gain hours, and live off of the money a CFI makes? Is that a feasible plan? Too far fetched? What would others recommend?




  1. The problem with getting your CFI license, is unless you own your own airplane, it's a very expensive process. At last check, to obtain your CFI, you needed a minimum of 200 hours of logged PIC hours. Also, unless you live in a area with decent year-round weather, you can only fly when the weather cooperates and you have students signed up. I owned my own plane, and had the same thoughts back in the 70's, and even then, it was expensive. If your dream is to become a commercial airline pilot, then keep working towards that goal, and remember, becoming a commercial pilot more often than not, is being in the right place at the right time with the right certifications. I wish you the best of luck, it can be done, but it won't be easy.

  2. goto flight school and get your private pilots license first, then attain all of your ratings and be a flight instructor until you build hours and time to qualify for regional airline positions.  Upon gaining time at a regional airline you may have the chance to upgrade to a major airline first officer, and eventually, captain....  If you don't want to spend the money and go the civil route, try toget into a military flight school.  You will need a college degree to become an officer

  3. It is feasible provided you have the desire and dedication. It won't be easy but it could happen. As mentioned, timing is everything.

  4. dude you can continue going to college and try to get a lenience and all the right ratings with out much problem, but then again managing college and pilot training could be stress full.

    if i were you i would finish college get a job as a teacher build up some money and take flying lessons on the weekends, or after you finish college to embry riddle aviation college. or try to see if you could transfer to embry riddle. (google embry riddle to get info on that college)

  5. I expect the surest way would be to be an Air Force Academy graduate with a multi engine rating. Airlines then do not have an awful lot of training to do and know what they are getting.

    In past, years(before academy), bomber pilots had a good shot at airlines.

    Been your route, many years ago, but military would not let me in a plane(eyes),

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