
Becoming an ordanied Minister... Is it hard? How much does it cost?

by Guest10887  |  earlier

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I know you can do it through the online website.. universal life, I believe. If a friend gets ordained through there, what do they need to prove there legal to marry me and my FH? Just please tell me what you know about it. Anything is helpful.





  2. It was free for me.  As far as what the law for your state is you may want to call the courthouse in your area and ask for the marriage division.  Some states make you register and others require no proof.  

  3. You'll have to look into your state and county laws because everything is different.  This site has every state's laws about this church.  Some of them are a little confusing, so if you need questions answered, call your county court house.  Congrats!!  A good friend of ours is doing this for our wedding ceremony also.

    P.S. It's free!  And no, not hard at all.

  4. my sister became ordained online for about $30.00  

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