
Becoming team captain..Your Tips Please?

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I was netball captain last year, but this year i hope to make field hockey captain.

I just wondered if anyone had any tips on how to show that i want to be captain.

I have got some ideas on team tactics from watching the olympic hockey so i hope that will help, and i'm enthusiastic and always give it my all.

Is there anything else i could do?

thanks in advance x




  1. Be what your coach wants you to be. If the coaches have a plan for the team, and you can align yourself with the coaches, you are giving yourself a chance at being a captain. Only those who do exactly what the coach asks will even be considered.

    Equally as important is the work ethic. You have to be ready to do anything to win. Put your own goals aside to benefit the team. Be the first to show up and the last to leave. Stay focused on the game, and keep your mind above specific instances of play (e.g. in hockey being a player who can take a hit for the team without retaliating is usually the trait of a captain).

    Important, but certainly secondary, is your ability to get along with team mates. That does not apply to team mates who either don't align themselves with the team game-plan, or players who act in ways that deconstruct what the coaches are trying to create. Some players you shouldn't get along with are those who bully others, and those who disregard coaches orders.

    Be a great example in every sense.

    Being the captain is fairly exhausting because you are the one the coach can rely on (if not a set of players he/she can rely on) to do what they expect. That means no goofing around, and beginning-to-end focus.

  2. Know your role and don't be a favourite to the few.  You represent everyone.  Choose - will you lead by example or by mouth?  What will you do on the first confrontation (think ahead)?  See your role between. team, individual players and coaches (think ahead again).

  3. Sportsmanship is the most important one I just got Captain for Ice Hockey.

  4. I'll give you the tip my uncle always told me.... When coach calls you in, sprint inl, be the first one in.... Show up early to practice, be the last one to leave... interact with your teammates... don't be afraid to speak up to coaches... that's about what i can tell you.

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